Smaller agencies can offer big brands as much, if not more than larger agencies, in terms of value for their events and creative needs. The real appeal of a boutique agency; being able to deliver a more personalised service as well as being more flexible and responsive, is something many brands are slowly beginning to realise. Here are some compelling reasons why a company should always consider using a smaller agency.

  1. Creativity & Knowledge
    Smaller agency employees have more opportunity to work effectively together, collaborating on projects to come up with creative ideas and solutions. In a smaller agency the communication is very much a two-way process: the owner and senior staff are more accessible to lower level staff, sharing their knowledge and experience with them and on the reverse, lower level staff can bring fresh creative ideas, adding real value to any event or design project.
  2. A Flexible Approach
    Smaller agencies can benefit from being more agile and are able to respond to client needs faster. Without the need for complex processes and reporting systems that often exist in larger organisations, staff can react quickly to changes required and get things done.
  3. Stronger Client Relationships
    The ability to establish long term relationships based on trust and reliability is incredibly important to any client. Smaller agencies offer a more personal and friendly approach and usually there is just one point of contact looking after a client, often for many years. There tends to be a more personal touch because clients are working directly with the business owner and a select, very carefully chosen team. The person or team that pitches for a client event is usually the team that will actually work on that event giving continuity to the client and the opportunity to develop long lasting relationships.
  4. Bespoke Service
    Every client’s needs are different. Whether they have a preferred style of venue, location or approach to their project (for example working to shorter or longer lead times) a smaller agency can be more agile due to its flatter structure and offer a more bespoke service, responding to differing client needs. As smaller agencies are people and not process driven, event management can be tailored to suit the clients’ actual needs and budget, giving them a better return on their investment.
  5. Small Agencies Care
    What could be considered a small budget to a client in a global firm could be a gigantic budget to a boutique agency. As their business represents a much bigger percentage of overall revenue with a smaller agency, it is naturally in their best interests to make sure they keep their client happy. You will often find that not only the owners but also the staff within a smaller agency will respond to clients out of hours as they really do care.
  6. A More Rounded Career Development.
    It is not only the customer that benefits from working with a smaller agency. Boutique agencies can offer employees fantastic career and personal development. At a large agency they are a small cog in a big wheel and their job role can be very specific. The reverse is true at a boutique agency. Here, every team member can be involved with the day to day running of the business and specific projects, giving them a much more rounded experience and allowing them to gain skills and knowledge that might otherwise not be attainable in a larger company.

Overall, it’s hard to ignore these compelling reasons as to why a small agency is sometimes a better choice, even for the big brands. With so many excellent smaller agencies to choose from, the message to these companies should be: ‘next time you’re looking for a great return on your investment on your event and creative project, think boutique agency!’